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Enhance the efficiency of your dowelling process with Artbeat's speed and consistency.

Product Sheet

Automated, Robotic Operation of Artbeat:

  • Uses infeed conveyor to position parts and transfer to robot (batch size one production) or separate parts of same SKU from stacks at input (batch production)
  • Identifies parts
  • Picks up parts using robot
  • Loads and unloads parts into dowel inserter using input tables, and executes associated programs on controller
  • Accumulates parts in dedicated structure when outfeed conveyor or input tables are full
  • Evacuates parts on outfeed conveyor (batch size one production) or stacks parts on a new pallet using the same input palletization scheme (batch production).

Our solution will integrate seamlessly into your production workflow, ensuring a smooth transition between your processes and our advanced features.

  • Identifies incoming parts
  • Maximizes machine uptime with automatic input tables
  • Authorizes a wide range of part sizes, will insert dowel on up to 4 sides
  • Accumulates parts on shelves as required
  • Suitable for both batch and single lot production

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Revolutionize your Dowelling Process and Production Management to Maximize Machine Uptime

  • 120–150 parts per hour
  • Only 500 ft² of floor space
  • Recognized production since 2012
  • High volume of parts processed
  • Predictable output and reliable dowel insertion
  • Self-programmed, turnkey cell

Feeding Tables Connected to Machine

Our feeding table system is one of Artbeat’s key components both entirely developed by our team and designed to integrate several strategic elements:

  • Precise and fast Y-axis movement
  • Lateral X-axis movement for squaring parts
  • Electrical safety shutdown in case of intrusion into the robotic cell to guarantee operator safety
  • Advanced control and management of clamping cylinders

Accumulation Structures in Robotic Cell

Artbeat offers storage in the robotic cell for any type of part, according to your needs.

If the operator is absent for long periods of time, accumulation structures enable the robot to accumulate parts inside the cell, so that the machining and dowelling can continue.

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Human-Machine Interface (HMI)

An intuitive interface has been created to enable operators to visualize and manage robotic production in progress:

  • Global view of cell status
  • Information on parts in progress and on transition conveyors
  • Detailed view of sensor and actuator status
  • Reports and diagnostics
  • View of accumulation structures content
Artbeat in action

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